Golf is Hard TV - Episode 24 - Chipping Overview
>> April 2, 2009
The first in a 3 episode series on chipping, episode 24 starts with the basic concepts you need to chip better. Get chipping right, and you will score better in a hurry.
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Good stuff guys. Good to hear you remind the medium & high handicappers that around the green is where you can really save strokes.
I sometimes keep both feet close together so that the ball is lined up with my right heal (I'm right handed) to ensure that I'm hitting down on the ball, particularly if I'm trying to bump and run. It seems to work most of the time. Would you recommend this?
@ Scott: great points you make here. The more towards the back of your stance the ball is located, the greater the chance the club will swing down into the ball (to make it go up). Also the more you move the ball back in your stance, the lower it will go (ie 'bump and run' which means less time in the air and a lot more roll).
Another way to get more roll and less air time is to keep the ball position the same and choose a less-lofted club (7 or 8 iron).
Keep practicing everyone and have fun!!
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