A Day @ the Range
>> February 8, 2009
We finally got a decent break in the weather here in CT this weekend and I took a few hours to hit the range for the first time in more than 3 months. Armed with my new Nike Driver and grip lessons from Coach Dave, I bought myself a supersize bucket of balls $13!!!) and started to work on some things.
I took Dave's advice and really loosened up my grip, trying to keep it at a 2 out of 10 on the pressure scale. I like to warm up with half swings using a 7 iron first and after 5 or 6 balls, I was connecting solidly and started taking some full swings.
It was ugly. Slices and hooks all over the place! I went back to taking half swings and once I started hitting the ball solidly again, I worked my way back to taking full swings. I was better this time and moved up from the to the 5, then 5 hybrid, 3 wood and finally my driver.
It felt great. I tried to stay loose and keep my grip nice and light. I hit the wood and driver really well which felt terrific.
With 16 balls left, I challenged my friend to a chipping contest - 8 balls each to a green about 40 yards away. Using my lob wedge, I was close on almost every shot, but only stuck one. I won in a tie-breaker, my 5th shot landed on a fake sand bunker connected to the green and my buddy gave it to me as a tie-breaker. Only sticking 1 of 8 wasn't great, but it was good enough today!
Now it's your turn! Do you have any video of your swing? Upload the video to Youtube (or any online service) and e-mail us the link. We'll take a look, give you a review and help you improve your game just like that! Golf is Hard, but that doesn't mean we can't help you get better!
The photo is me in mid-waggle... I put my phone on the ground and let it take some short video!
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