Who is Blogging About Golf?
>> January 13, 2009
I'm on the hunt for some new great Golf blogs to read. Does anyone know any? I'm looking for offbeat and interesting blogs, not the big PGA focused stuff, or pure product blogs.
I stumbled onto a manufacturer/marketing company called GolfGym who has an interesting blog at http://www.golfgymblog.blogspot.com/ - yes, sometimes they are selling stuff, but more often it's good content and ideas on fitness and training. I'm thrilled they are blogging! I wish they would do an online training course or something a bit more active during the offseason to help us duffers get into golf ready shape!
Know any others that you read on a regular basis?
Many of the golf blogs I had been following have either stopped posting or have become too advertising/marketing centric (not that there is anything wrong with trying to turn a buck here or there).
Right now, Life in the Rough is my favorite golf blog to read. It's both personable and helpful, something I have been striving for here on Golf is Hard to achieve.
I've also added a list of golf blogs that I subscribe to on the right (---> look over there). So you can keep up with what I'm reading on a regular basis.
So, what golf blogs are you reading?
ive seen some really good one likes www.golfblogger.com or go to wordpress.com
you can always google golfball blog sites stuff like that and lots of sites come up
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