It's Great to Join GIH...Hope to Help You Play Better, Laugh and Simply Have More Fun
>> January 28, 2009
Hello There Fellow GIHers...
Thanks Marc for the invitation to join in here at Golf Is Hard...I remember playing a lot of golf with one of the members at my first club, he was a 1 handicap. We would have some heated matches although usually they were just a $2 Nassau. Most of the time, after we finished and were walking up the hill to the clubhouse, he would look back and say, "Dave, that'll be five ways!" (meaning I owed him $10). As a struggling, poor golf pro, it was very hard to hand over 10 bucks to a guy making 6 figures plus, but hey, I lost. When I kicked his butt though, it was like winning the lottery. No doubt a motivation for me to practice. Anyway...I remember this because he would always say..."this game is hard". No doubt this is the hardest game in the world to master...and in fact, no one ever does. Just ask Tiger...he is always looking for a way to get better. The best athletes from other sports (Michael Jordan, etc.) have admitted this is the hardest game don't ever try to get it...and don't ever say you figured it out after shooting your best round, because the Golf Gods will certainly find you and you will have five bad rounds after! If you are laughing now, you know what I am talking about. Just have fun with it!
Looking forward to hearing from you...your biggest challenges on the course...where you want to improve in '09...any specific questions you have about your game, how to get your kids into it or into a good program...If you live in the northeast and need some help on getting your own lawn in perfect shape this year...we can help with that too....if you have a question about cooking an awesome Italian meal (and have it ready for when you get back from the course)..send it our way...if you are a Yaknees or Giants condolences and please direct those questions directly to Marc....let's have some fun!
Dave's meatballs are amazing (he should be marketing them, seriously).
As for Yankees/Sox or Giants/Pats... please.
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