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Golf is Hard TV Episode 1

>> January 31, 2009

We couldn't be more excited to present the first episode of our new video podcast (or vlog, or whatever you want to call it)!

Golf is Hard TV is going to be the Internet's most passionate golf show. Bear with us as we figure out the lighting, audio, content and everything else.

Please leave comments and suggestions or questions for Coach Dave. If you'd like Dave to take a look and make some swing suggestions, upload your videos to Youtube and send us the link.

Enjoy the show!

Show notes/links
Introduction and Welcome
Putting Lesson
You Spent What, On What?
Super Bowl Picks

Golf Galaxy and Dicks Sporting Goods

Steele Canyon Golf Course


Anonymous 2/08/2009 8:05 PM  

Nice video blog, i'm looking forward to more. If you're up for some constructive feedback here it is:
- Throughout most of the audio there was a "windy" noise, I didn't notice it until minute 9:40 when that background noise disappeared and it was a pretty obvious transition in audio quality. If it's the furnace blowing air, i recommend turning it off right before recording.
- I like the putting stroke analysis by the Coach, it would be even better if you could come out from behind the desk so we have the subject in full view.
- I like the fact that it's a tad more than just golf, sprinkling in a few comments on baseball or football is a nice touch.

Keep up the good work fellows, do more like this and I'll keep watching.


Marc Sirkin 2/08/2009 8:30 PM  

Andy - thanks!

Check out Episode 3, we improved the video and Episode 4 will feature all new audio... I hope it will rock!

Thanks so much for the feedback, keep it coming!

About Marc and Coach Dave

Marc's a hacker and Dave knows what he's doing after teaching for 7 years. We're both passionate golfers and committed to having fun with Golf is Hard TV.

What is Golf is Hard TV?

"The golf show for the rest of us!"

Golf is Hard TV is the golf show for the rest of us, the most passionate golf show on the internet that was created to take a look at the lighter side of the game. At Golf is Hard TV, golfers of all abilities can improve their games and interact about anything related to golf.

We discuss topics realistically including equipment, etiquette, Jr. golf, attire, rules, etc. This interactive golf show is where golfers can ask questions, send in video and get real answers about their games, always FREE. The founders of Golf is Hard TV know what average golfers like us want.


Golf is Hard is passionate about golf... everything about golf! We are interested in your products, your web site, your business ideas. Please contact us right away to talk about how we can partner together. Heck, we're even interested in non-golf related things that golfers like us love!

Contact us via the blog, twitter or via e-mail now!
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