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Girl Power

>> August 26, 2007

Wow! What a great round of golf with my daughter. We played in a scramble/best ball tourney together today. We had to use at least 2 of her drives and she had to play from the green tees, which I think are the women's tees.

Golf Tournament

Some notable action from today:

Hole 1, Par 4.
I totally mis-hit my drive and barely made it past the green tees. Julia hit a decent shot just off the fairway about 100 yards forward and we played her ball. We had a chance to get on the green in 3 but I chunked a wedge badly and we ended up with a triple bogey. It would get better, thank god.

Hole 3, Par 4.
Julia drove her ball into the woods and I hit a big time drive off the fairway, but up about 100 feet on a huge hill. Oops. Thankfully, I found the ball and made an amazing recovery, hitting a 7 iron about 140 yards to just off the green. We made bogey after Julia just barely missed her par putt.

Hole 5, Par 3.
I hit a too long 9 iron but Julia hit her longest drive ever - about 150 yards. Too bad it hit the cart path and bounced out of bounds. Bogey.

Hole 6, Par 4.
I hit a perfect drive, and Julia matched my effort within 15 yards. We played her ball and ended up with par after I hit a 7 iron on the green.

Hole 9, Par 5.
I hit a good drive with my 5 Hybrid. The guy we were playing with took his turn and when he hit the ball, the club head flew off his club. We were all shocked - it was funny as hell, but we managed not to laugh too hard. Then, his kid (a 6th grade boy) drove out about 140 yards. Julia stepped up and in a pure moment of girl power nailed her drive about 15 yards past his, just off the fairway. Unreal! I flubbed a short wedge and we made bogey.

We finished +10 with a 43 and had an amazing, terrific time.


Anonymous 9/05/2007 11:35 PM  

My dad tried to teach me to golf, I hope you have better luck than he did..you can read about it here....http://golfcartsforsale.blogspot.com

Mike Pedersen 9/28/2007 6:02 PM  

How cute is that? I play with my 12 year old sun on occasion. It's precious!

About Marc and Coach Dave

Marc's a hacker and Dave knows what he's doing after teaching for 7 years. We're both passionate golfers and committed to having fun with Golf is Hard TV.

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