Golf is Hard TV - Episode 56 - Castaway
>> July 27, 2009
This new Golf is Hard TV episode features Coach Dave talking about casting the club head for better distance and control. Forget what you've learned!
This new Golf is Hard TV episode features Coach Dave talking about casting the club head for better distance and control. Forget what you've learned!
Flop shots are pretty to watch, but hard to hit... learn more as Golf is Hard TV tackles the difficult flop shot!
Chips and dip is easy to make and to eat. Hitting good chip shots, not so much. Golf is Hard TV helps you perfect hitting those pesky hard chip shots in episode #54!
I wrapped up my biggest golf week EVER with my 6th round in 6 days, teeing off at 6:39 this morning bright and early. The round got off to a good start, but went downhill quickly. I kept thinking back to my earlier rounds and even though I didn't play well, I thought that this week was really amazing.
I got myself into the sand 3 times at Tashua, I think a new record for myself. I managed to get out nicely all 3 times and on the 18th, I used a great sand shot to save par to end the week. It felt great to end on a par!
Here are the final stats from this week:
6 days, 6 rounds
4 total courses played (Tashua Knolls, Tashua Glen, Fairchild Wheeler & Woodhaven Country Club)
81 holes played
Total score 437 (117 shots over par)
1 birdie
5 new Golf is Hard TV episodes filmed
1 Quadruple bogey
2 4 putts
3+ record setting drives of ~270 yards
1 new course played (Fairchild Wheeler)
1 cart used
1 round with a pull cart
1 sand save for par
One 12 year old playing partner (Coach Dave's daughter)
1 Eagle (made by Coach Dave)
What's the most golf you have ever played in a row?
Day 5 is in the books and I have a few thoughts, as you'd expect.
First, playing golf 5 days in a row is hard work. I'm tired. I'm also in trouble with my wife. I'm going to leave playing golf every day to the pros and retired folks. For me, it's too much.
Secondly, and more importantly, when I do something every day, I expect to get better. I expect that because I'm a halfway decent athlete that I would see some improvement. Not today. For about 5 holes in a row, I started hitting drives off the hosel, directly left. It got so bad that I started dropping balls in the tee box on the ground and simply hitting hybrids (that worked).
Lesson learned, play with whatever you've got on a given day. Today, it was all about just getting off the tee safely (forget fairways!). I ended up shooting a 99 after a 51 on the front and triple/double on 10 and 11. Not good.
That said, I shot 7 over on the last 7 holes.
Now, I need to go pay some attention to my family (and catch up on British Open action. Speaking of which - Tiger, what up man?)
Maybe it was time, or maybe Coach Dave's last blog post helped, but I finally got one! I played the back 9 at Fairchild Wheeler Black in Fairfield, CT today and on the second hole I caught a bit of magic.
The 3rd hole (middle tees) is 155 yards and today, the pin placement was slightly up front. I grabbed my 7 iron (love knowing I can actually hit a 7 iron 150 yards) and with total confidence wacked at it. As soon as it went up I knew it was good - I actually said these words:
"Go in the hole"
Just after reading Marc's description of his ball rolling back to its starting point, I saw David Feherty on TV roll a ball on the 16th at Turnberry in Scotland, site of the British Open this week. I could not help but feel Marc's pain...almost seems unfair after a good shot. At Turnberry, on the 16th hole, it is likely that if players do not get the ball far enough onto the green with their approach shot, it will roll back off the green...into a creek. Keep an eye out for painful facial expressions on this hole. They may even look live average golfers!
What I like most about watching the (British) Open...I can watch golf at the crack of dawn (or whenever I wake up), with breakfast.
I predict that Marc will make at least 2 birdies before the week is out. He and I are playing Saturday morning at 6:30 (we couldn't get the 5:30 tee time). He will make a bird....btw Marc, we are playing the blue tees! Tape the Open.
Golf lingo quiz: what does "buzz his tower" mean?
How about, "hockey sticks"?
Tiger hits it at 4:09 ET on Thursday...may not be up for that!
The week of golf continues (6 days, 6 rounds of golf...) at the Woodhaven Country Club in Bethany, CT. All I can say about this 9 hole course is that the greens are.. stunningly hard at times. I managed to lose my scorecard this afternoon but see on the web that the slope from the blue tees is 128. That's hard, right?
Here's a sample of one hole...
I was lying 3 on par 4 after hitting a great chip shot to about 15 feet. Pin high (very high). My putt was going to break a tad to the left and was uphill about 10 feet or so. I nailed the line and I thought it was in... the ball stopped maybe 3 inches short and started to roll back a tiny bit.
Then it rolled faster. And faster. It didn't stop until it was almost back to where it started.
Deep breath.
I lined it up again and hit my shot again. I did it again - the same exact thing. It took me a total of 4 putts and I ended up with a shiny 8.
I shot a 52 which, all things considered isn't bad. Either way, day 3 is in the books!
This week's stats so far:
3 days
36 holes played
53 shots over par
0 birdies
5 new Golf is Hard TV episodes filmed
1 Quadruple bogey
1 record setting drive, 270 yards
I recently won a Nike Str8-Fit driver from my friends at and have been excited to hit it. A great refresher lesson from Coach Dave helped me hit it straight - and a new record distance of about 270 in a recent round.
Ahhh, another day, another round of golf. Today's round featured myself and Coach Dave at Tashua Knolls and ended with us shooting 5 brand new Golf is Hard TV episodes which I'll be editing and posting soon!
I played well today - putted extremely well on the back 9 and actually felt like I had some nice touch on several chip shots. I still am miserable in hitting fairways, but today was better as I'm getting used to my new Nike Str8-fit driver.
This week's stats so far:
2 days
27 holes played
36 shots over par
0 birdies
5 new Golf is Hard TV episodes filmed
This week, I've decided that I need to play golf every day, starting today Monday July 13th. We'll be shooting some new shows tomorrow the 14th, but today I played 9 with my 2 daughters on the terrific executive course here in Trumbull known as "Tashua Glen."
I played well for the first 4 holes, making bogey on all of them. I hit some terrific gap wedge shots and putted well. Unfortunately, the last 4 holes fell apart when I doubled #5 after missing an extremely easy putt for bogey. I sliced a ball into the woods on #6 and doubled it as well, again missing a short putt for bogey after a pin seeker that stopped about 8 feet past the hole.
While I'm really enjoying my new "Heavy Putter," it's taking some time to get used to it. I three putted the last 5 holes, coming up short on long putts every time. The weight of the putter is a tad distracting, but the more I use it, the more I like how it feels in my hands.
Tomorrow, Coach Dave and I are playing 18, but I've got no firm plans after that until Saturday... either way though, the goal is to play some golf every day this week!
This week's stats so far:
1 day
9 holes played
+13 over par
Imagine to my surprise the e-mail I got from my friends at OOBGolf that I had won something! Not only did I win their Golf Addict monthly prize but the prize turned out to be a Nike SQ Dymo Str8-Fit driver! Schaweetness!
I played a round with it the other day and for starters, it's a sweet looking club that has an adjustable head. I need to learn more, but the club pro helped me set it to "straight"while I get used to the club.
The other thing about this club is that the shaft is an inch longer than my current driver - which is causing me to slice the ball a bit more than I have been. That said, when I hit it right with this new club... holy cow, it goes far.
If you haven't yet checked out OOBGolf, be sure to take a peek. There are lots of sites that will help you track scores, but none with a slicker interface and fun charts to play with.
Golf is Hard TV Episode 52 tackles putter technology. Grab your putter and find out about face balanced and droopy putters.
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